Sunday, October 2, 2011

Red Cross Blood Drive

please leave your comments!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting of the event you're using for your illustrated typeface. I believe it works well.

    There are some things that are working in each poster design, but there's not one concrete design that stands out as "The One". Not yet in a way. I do like the copy ("There's a hero in all of that hero"), I think that's the best one. I don't know if I need to see so much of the typeface being used a lot in the poster.

    Like the first poster design ("Blood Drive"). Simple, not distracting, and gets straight to the point. Reading "Please Give Blood" in that typeface feels too much to take in as far as reading goes. What if you say "There's a hero in all of us. Be that hero." then say "Blood Drive" in your typeface? You could reverse the two as well to see which layout is better. Then you can provide the information for the event.

    Again, you have some ideas that are working in each poster design. If you can grab them, use as influences, and place them into one (or a few designs/layout) you'll be great shape. :)

    Hope this helps you Shu!
